Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Social Media Today

BLANKENSHIP, M. (2011). How Social Media Can and Should Impact Higher Education. Education Digest, 76(7), 39-42. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

           Blankenship presents social media, such as Skype, Twitter, and Facebook as online tools in higher education. He also points out that social media impacts creativity and teaching styles in the classroom.  He discusses the fact that talking via Skype on webcam does not make him feel palpable. Instead, it was frustrating for him because he thinks that the best idea come from actual communication with someone. Social media is changing the way people get an education in school. In the past, we had to go to school with a pack of note books and pencils to listen and be lectured face to face with a professor in class. With social media revolution in this modern day, students can study any where. They only need a computer and an Internet connection. Although social media cannot replace person-to-person interaction, it does give us an additional opportunity to educate ourselves.

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