Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Printed Newspaper is not Facing Extinction (Yet)

(2008, November 3). The printed newspaper is not facing extinction (yet). Advertising Age. p. 14. Retrieved from EBSCOhost..

Today we can see the printed newspaper around us in many places, but not as many as in the past. In today’s media and technology evolution, the newspaper business has two separate print and web editorial staff in the newsroom to deal with news reporting situations. According to Advertising Age (2008), “The Christian Science Monitor announced it would be lying to rest the print version of its daily paper, switching to a weekly print model and housing everything else on the web.” Most people who read print newspapers are older and are used to the old-fashioned, printed newspapers. You hardly see a teenager pick up and read a newspaper. Most people use computers and the Internet; they do not want to read the news in print. Instead they prefer to pay for the Internet to get the same news. These are the reasons that are causing the printed newspaper to become extinct.