Saturday, March 26, 2011

Kids' Digital Day: Almost 8 hours

Greg, T. (n.d). Kids' digital day: Almost 8 hours. USA Today. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

This article shows us how electronic media threatens our normal way of living. The author reveals a study of kids time spent with electronic media, such as: cellphones, iPods, video games and computers and found that it was more than 53 hours a week. We can see that in one week which has a168 hours, the kids gave 53 hours for electronic media, and 56 hours to sleep and 40 hours for school. They only have 19 hours left to do things likes homework, study, eat, exercise, etc. The author also informs that this revolution of technology will never stop increasing by pointing out the percentage of cellphone and iPod ownership is increasing every day. From this article, all parents should start to realize to teach and control their children on using and spending time with the electronics.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting how much electronics consume kids lives. Family time is getting less and less. Kids don't devote as much time to more important things like homework. Their living their lives in a technology consumed world.
